Sunday, January 10, 2016

Why Do I Teach Let's Play Music?

My last recital in Texas 2014
I first heard about Let's Play Music when I had a full and thriving piano studio in Texas.  My cousin was teaching it in Arizona, and when she told me about this program for kids ages 4-6 that introduced music through play and puppet shows, I was very interested. I have always been a big believer in off the bench activities, especially for younger learners.  However, at the time I was very busy with my three boys and my piano studio, and I was not ready to start a whole new business.

A few years and another child later, we ended up very abruptly moving to UT. I left my entire studio behind and I had an opportunity to start fresh. I immediately enrolled my 5 year old in a Let's Play Music class, and I enrolled my 2 year old in Sound Beginnings. Just a few months in, I was sold! This program was fast paced, very structured, and FUN! My (then 5, now 6 year old) son has never shown much interest in music, and he's actually kind of shy in new situations, but he thrived in his LPM class.  He practices often without me prompting him, composes simple songs, and now has an interest in what I LOVE.  I love the mixture of classical music, folk music, and original music to teach theory concepts, all wrapped up in a fun and playful package.  I have felt so blessed to have found this program.
My son coloring his "Spring Bees" (Spring, by Vivialdi) puppet show

I have now been teaching for a semester, and I have never in my 20 years of music teaching felts so structured, organized, fun and INFLUENTIAL.  It gives such a new life to music teaching for me and has helped me figure out how to bring music instruction into kids' lives earlier so it will last longer.
My not quite 1 year old playing her brother's bells

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